Lead Inspections

Lead Inspections - Maryland Landlord

There are two types of inspections that Maryland landlords can choose from when dealing with lead-based paint. AVETS will help you determine the best inspection type for your home or apartment by completing a brief survey of the property or by discussing the possibilities over the phone.

Lead Free Lead Paint Inspection

An inspection that uses an X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) device to determine if lead-based paint is present without destroying any materials or surfaces is utilized. If the XRF produces a real-time result that does not detect any lead then AVETS can immediately issue a Lead-Free Report.

Full Risk Reduction Report

This is a two-part lead-safe inspection that is also known as a dust swipe inspection. A visual inspection is performed first, where the exterior and interior paint quality is surveyed for damage at the property. Then, a dust wipe sample is collected to ensure interior dust particles do not contain lead. After both inspections are complete, AVETS Inc. will issue a certificate.

 A new inspection is required prior to a new tenant moving in.

What to Expect

Prior to being hired, our job is to inform and help you to understand our services and standards over the phone or on this website.

When hired, the first part of our job is to ensure that visual standards are upheld. Maryland regulations require that no paint may be damaged in any way (chipping, scratched, loose) on the interior or exterior of the property. Additionally, the property is expected to be free of dust and debris to a reasonable degree. The second part of our job involves dust testing of surfaces in the house (typically a section of the floor and windowsill in each room).

Both parts of this inspection can be prepared for, and the easiest way to pass is to ensure that there is no paint damage and that the property has been cleaned prior to inspection. If both of these conditions are met, you can be confident that the property will pass inspection.

After we take samples we take them, to the lab where the analysis takes place. The labs sends us the report. We interpret the results. If all the samples have less lead than is allowed, we issue the certificate. We send that to you by way of email and we notify MDE that your unit passed.

If the lab finds that more lead than is allowed in any sample, that finding informs us that that the room that the sample was taken from has a hazard.

We then notify you to have that room cleaned. After the room it is cleaned we will return (within 10 days). We only take a sample(s) from any room(s) that fail.

When the property passes the inspection, a Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) tracking number is obtained by us from you. We will add that number to the certificate and then send that certificate to you.

Multi-Unit Buildings

Each region may have different regulations for multi-unit building lead inspections. Depending on pertinent regulations, AVETS Inc. may only be required to inspect a predetermined number of the total number of units. Once those units are determined to be free of lead-based paint, the whole building is regarded as lead-free and therefore eligible to be certified as a Lead Free property or building.

A Lead-Free certificate can be issued for multi-unit buildings when the exterior surfaces, common areas as well as all interior areas are free of lead paint.

A Lead-Free certificate is issued when only interior surfaces of a unit within a property are lead-free.

Lead Inspections -
Washington DC Landlords

There are three types of inspections that Washington, D.C. landlords can choose from when dealing with the presence or the absence of lead-based paint. AVETS Inc. will help you to determine the best inspection type for a home or apartment by completing a brief survey of the property using an X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) device or by speaking with you over the phone.

Lead Free Lead Paint Inspection

An inspection that uses an X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) device to determine if lead-based paint is present without destroying any materials or surfaces. If the XRF produces a real-time result that does not detect any lead, then AVETS Inc. can immediately issue a Lead-Free report.

Clearance Sampling Inspection

This inspection is performed after a lead abatement treatment is performed to determine if lead-based paint or dust particles are still present at a property. Interior paint quality will be tested for any defective areas and a dust wipe sample will be collected.

Clearance Report

This is a two-part inspection that is also known as a dust swipe inspection or lead-safe inspection. A visual inspection is performed first, where the exterior and interior paint quality is surveyed at the property. Then, a dust swipe sample is collected to ensure interior dust particles do not contain lead. After both inspections are complete, AVETS Inc. may issue a Clearance Report, assuming no issues were identified.

This type of inspection is required for any property that was built before 1978 with occupants, especially tenants who are pregnant women or children under 6 years of age.

What to Expect

You will receive an email from AVETS Inc. detailing everything that needs to be done to the property to comply with inspection regulations. Then, after the property passes inspection, a copy of this certificate will be sent by mail and by email.

If a follow-on inspection is required, AVETS Inc. will inspect the property after we are notified that the property is ready to pass.

Multi-Unit Buildings (11+ Units built after 1960 when HUD’s Standards apply) and (21 + Units built before 1960)

There may a local ordinance that adds a layer of regulations for multi-unit building lead inspections. AVETS Inc. may only inspect less than the total number of units at random. Once those units, the common area and the exterior are determined to be free of lead-based paint, the whole building will be regarded as lead-free. At that time a certificate will be issued for the property.

A Lead-Free certificate can be issued for multi-unit buildings when common areas interiors as well as the exterior are free of lead paint.

In Maryland (not the District of Columbia) A Limited Lead-Free certificate is issued when only the interior surfaces of a unit within a property are lead-free.

Homeowners & Buyers

Scheduling a lead-based paint inspection for a home built before 1978 is a sound investment for an individual homeowner or a real estate investor looking to purchase property in Maryland or Washington, D.C.

Inspection Types

Homebuyers in Maryland and Washington, D.C. can select from two types of inspections:

  1. XRF Lead Inspection: An inspection that uses an X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) device to determine if lead-based paint is present without destroying any materials or surfaces. The inspection is brief since the XRF tool produces a real-time report seconds after scanning a surface. AVETS Inc. will follow-up with a digital report by email.
  2. Dust Wipe Inspection: An inspection where a dust sample is collected from inside the property to ensure interior dust particles do not contain lead. All samples are tested against current lead regulations set by the Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Washington, Washington DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE).

Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP)

An inspection that is mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for any property built before 1978 where the presence of lead-based paint is much higher. To complete and pass current lead inspections, all renovations must be completed by an RRP-certified contractor where lead-safe work procedures are used. In most cases, an X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) device is used to determine if lead-based paint is present without destroying any materials or surfaces.

Risk Reduction

Reducing risk to health and safety when purchasing a property should be a top priority for homeowners. One way to ensure lead-based paint is not a hazard for occupants is to complete regular surveys of interior paint quality to ensure there is no paint chipping or evidence of dust that could be inhaled by tenants.


*could be higher based on size of house

Pricing Residential Non Commercial

Pricing Commercial –
Residential/ Non Residential


MARYLAND Risk Reduction Clearance

WASHINGTON, D.C. Turn Over Clearance



PLEASE NOTE: Veterans Environmental Technologies Services, Inc. reserves the right to charge a fee of $50.00 for all missed appointments (“no shows”) and appointments which, without a compelling reason, are not cancelled with a 24-hour advance notice.


REFUND POLICY: We do not charge, and our customers do not pay in advance of our conducting services. Customers pay after we have incurred the cost of materials labors and processing. We are inspectors,  and we observe and report our findings. We draw objective conclusions as they are required by the pertinent regulations. There is no option to legally do otherwise. Because of this, we do not issue refunds. We will not issue a refund unless the customer has paid and we have failed to inspect the subject, and that failure was completely the fault of a member of the A Veterans Environmental Technology Services Inc.’s Team.

Have questions?

6234 Georgia Ave, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20011

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